Thursday, February 4, 2010

B6 Vocal Production Quiz

Name: Charles Moe

Competency: B6

Artifact Title: Vocal Production Quiz

Artifact Type: A multiple-choice quiz on the Vocal Production Unit

Rationale for Inclusion: This quiz assesses the Vocal Production Unit. This unit pertains heavily to singing in a natural way in order to preserve vocal health. This natural way of singing is very important especially since many high school singers' voices are still changing. This quiz on the Vocal Production Unit sets up students for success by offering the multiple-choice format. Many of the questions avoid "tricking" the student. I like this because my goal as a teacher is to make sure that the students gain the knowledge that will help them in their further study, not to fool them. However that does not mean that the questions are all "easy." Some of the answers, while incorrect for this unit, may pertain to instruction they have received from other places. "Sit up straight" for example is a direction that is taught in a different way in this particular unit. Therefore it is still important that the students pay attention during the lectures.